(DRAFT) "Bullet-In" club newsletter #295 for December 2016

11 Dec 2016 8:01 AM | Anonymous

Bullet-In: December 2016

(DRAFT) "Bullet-In" club newsletter #295
for December 2016


The next meeting of the Committee will be at the RANGE next month (January) Wednesday 25th January 2017 at 7:30 pm (last Wednesday of the month); all new members are encouraged to attend, & all members are welcome!  


From The Committee:

As we approach the silly season and that invisible cut off point called Christmas, when the things we have had 11 months to complete suddenly become urgent............forgot where I was going with this, but you get my drift....?

Recently a few items have evaporated from club premises so it is now necessary to implement securitymeasures which will create limited access.

Cleaning gear was purchased some time ago so club guns could be cleaned at the range after a “fund raising” event and relieve the duty Armourer a couple of hours additional (thankless) work when they returned home after giving their time to assist in a shoot.

**Whoever took the cleaning gear from the store-room may as well have taken the cleaning rods because they are no use without the brushes, jags, cloth etc. This thoughtless act has not only temporarily inconvenienced the duty Armourer(s) but also created security costs and the expense of replacing the cleaning gear. Think about it!!! **
(A subtle reminder here the club has provisions in the rules to suspend/cancel membership of anyone destroying or removing club property.)

The club has had a rather full calendar with bookings and corporate events which have brought substantial funds into the club coffers. As of 2nd December there are five more events booked for the remainder of the year as always, we need help for these events.

We try get these bookings for weekends as it is easier to get members to help but that is not always possible. If you are in a situation you can help with events Monday-Friday please advise Eddie or myself as the few that have been assisting on week days are getting a little burnt out plus the cost in time and money is taking a toll on some. It would be a shame to turn away bookings and income. “B” cat members, FYI: Corp events are a club sanctioned “B” cat attendance.

The committee realises the need for a B cat training day outside the scheduled B cat events. This was trialled several years ago but unfortunately those who demanded the opportunity failed to utilise an additional day to register a “B” sanctioned attendance, so it was “canned”.

It was agreed at the last meeting to make this before the committee meeting Wednesday (which is the last Wednesday of the month, -with the exception of the December meeting being brought forward to the 18 th) for a 3 month trial period.

The requirements are: An RO will control the training session, a pistol is handled by the member either for safety/handling purposes or live firing, a target is scored and the result recorded.  Bill A. has offered to be available for the first two afternoons from 5 pm. In order for this to work and become a scheduled fixture, members should get involved.

The WPSSC bank balance, as of the last meeting was $ TBA.

Our next large accounts will be for a pallet of clays and shotgun ammo, both of which are eventually re-cooperated either through clay events, corp events or ammo sales to club members.

Electric Fences: The electric fences need to be hooked up to make connection with the live feed to be effective.    Please re-connect the wires in the proper manner so we have 'live wires' to ensure the bulls grazing the adjacent land don't breech onto the ranges where they can cause considerable damage.

Next Sunday 18 th December  is a club Christmas shoot & lunchtime BBQ for all memebers & immediate family.

Trust you all have a safe and enjoyable festive season.

Warm Barrels!


Our safety/training team has reviewed the info package provided to B cat applicants with attention to obligations once that endorsement is obtained. If you know anyone considering pistol shooting, make them aware of these conditions or refer them to the secretary, a committee member or PNZ for the relevant info.


RO's: we require more match qualified RO's and are planning to run some  RO course(s) at the WPSSC.

On the Range: please remember that members (committee included) go to the club to engage in activities, have a plink, test re-loads, sight in a rifle etc and often have limited time to do so.

In the interests of keeping this a positive environment in which one can relax and enjoy, please refer club politics to a monthly committee meeting. Meetings are well advertised, and all members are welcome to attend. Here views can be expressed in a controlled manner and steps taken to resolve issues in good time. 

Trails End 2017: dates for this event 2017 are 24th, 25th and 26th March. More detailed advice will be posted closer to the event.

Safety on Range 6: Please note that if you are on Range 6, & need to go downrange (for whatever reason) after closing the range, place the orange "Range Closed" cone in front of the firing point to advise anyone coming to the range.  There has been one occasion where a person was observed (in time, & safety) emerging from the bush downrange before shooting was to commence.

CAS: a monthly CAS training/practice day has been approved and scheduled for 4th Sunday of the month on ranges 1 and 2. This practice day is a great opportunity to brush up on handling and safety without the match related pressure. This is a 'B cat club event' and also a great opportunity for anyone to come along and see what cowboy action shooting is all about.  More news, results etc here.

IPSC: Phil Dunlop

PNZ training manuals: hard copies of the General Coaching Skills Manual were recently ordered and are available. FYI, manuals for all disciplines are available on-line at: http://www.pistolnz.org.nz/training.aspx.

The first version of the WPSSC B cat' training manual (thanks Gerry! is available for download here.

$$$   BUY, SELL, SWAP $$$

Send any photos and descriptions for Bullet-In either via  email or post to :

  • The Secretary, WPSSC, P. O. Box 175 Carterton 5743.

The Club version is on the WPSSC Trading Post  page, including details of projectiles from Terry Kerrigan.

Pistol NZ also have an on-line Buy Sell Swap system operating on their website; click their 'Trading Post' button for instructions and items.

Section Activities:

The Range schedule and Section Directors info' is published on the website. 

(you are required to produce your firearms license,
AND contact the armourers if you require ammo' to be brought to the range)

  • Roger Castle (06 306 9453) for 20 and 12 gauge shot gun ammo
  • Andrew McGlone has .22, 9mm, .223 and 12 gauge
Chamber flags are also available  – remember, the club requires you to have and to use them.

Range Schedule

For details and changes, check the range schedule from the website ; copying it has problems in that things change, and when the schedule is printed, members end up with out of date info.

So, the basic range schedule is as detailed below.  You don't even have to log on to see it!!! 


First Saturday  Simulated Game Bird 
First Sunday  Can be Multigun, Service Rifle or other (e.g. Jungle lane shotgun or .22 rifle)
Second Sunday  CAS
ISSF (Service Pistol)
Third Saturday  Simulated Game Bird 
Third Sunday  3-Gun
Fourth Sunday
Fifth Sunday
Speed Steel & CAS training on R1 & R2
As negotiated with/advised by committee

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WPSSC shoot 300 yards on their electronic targets on the third saturday on the month
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